Jahangeer Thaheem
2 min readSep 7, 2021

Pakistan-Afghanistan Security Fence

Around the globe, the construction of borders, walls or fence can be traced back to ancient times, However, in the 21st century the number of countries fencing their borders has increased. It is believed that border fencing helps in reducing menaces such as drugs trafficking, illegal immigration, and most importantly terrorism. One can say that for state security, in all aspects, fences are a mean to guarantee protection against the known rival, adversary or aggressor. There are 63 walls/fences around the globe, from the U.S to Europe to Central Asia to South, South West and South East Asia, and the Middle East. Experts of international studies argue that after 9/11, the region was hit by a wave of terrorism, the fact however is that Pakistan is paying the cost of its alliance with USA since the late 1970s. From Soviet invasion to its withdrawal from Afghanistan, Pakistan remained the frontline state in the war but both the neighbours were left to fend for themselves when the USA achieved its goal of containing communism in the region. The Western alliance and Afghanistan have always accused Pakistan of supporting terrorist groups against Afghanistan. Nonetheless it is a two-way street; Pakistan also blamed Afghanistan of giving space and logistical support to Tehrik-i-Taliban against Pakistan due to incidents of militancy and terrorism. While Afghanistan opposes the fencing. Pakistan, on many occasions, has said that the fence will check the movement of armed militant group. Design Salients:
1) Diameter of the pipe-3 inches
2) Height of the fence-11 feet
3) 3-ft concertina coils-3 nos
4) Diamond mesh- 2 inches
5) Barbed wire-14 strands;

In this era of risk management, the wall has various purposes, such as protection, pacification, separation, and accompanying security mechanisms are all considered as tools that can work towards that goal. The wall is a sign of the interconnected surveillance processes as the most visible component and the most important functional element of the apparatus.

Jahangeer Thaheem
Jahangeer Thaheem

Written by Jahangeer Thaheem

Book lover, love to write on politics and history.

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